Lingo Local: Discover Language Through Local Culture.

How might we create an engaging language vocabulary app that not only helps users learn a new language but also immerses them in the cultural nuances and contexts of that language to enhance their overall learning experience?

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1. Projet Overview

UX Design
3 weeks
Pen & paper

The Challenge
Many language learners struggle to gain a deep understanding of the cultural context behind the words and phrases they are learning, often finding traditional language apps lacking in this area. This gap in cultural knowledge can lead to misunderstandings and a less immersive learning experience.

The Process
I followed the the steps of the Design Thinking Process through competitor analysis, user research, creating user flows and task analysis to create a low fidelity prototype of Lingo Local.  I then tested the prototype on potential users to understand areas of improvement and to inform future iterations.

The Goal
A mobile application that empowers new language learners relocating to new cities to learn new cultural vocabulary.

2. Market Research

To understand the current landscape and market of vocabulary building apps I analysed three existing vocabulary apps, Quizlet, Vocabulary and Brainscape.

I conducted a competitive analysis of three existing vocabulary learning apps Brainscape, Vocabulary and Quizlet. I assessed and compared launch experience, navigation, options and usability to understand market expectations and standards as well as assessing opportunities.

Main takeaway
It is a heavily saturated market where it is better to have a niche and specific use case. Overall, the specificity and usability of Vocabulary shone through as an example of clear UI and UX design which incentivises users to even share the app and their learnings on social media providing further reach.

3. User Research

In order to assess and understand the behaviours, needs, goals and frustrations of language learners I interviewed 3 potential end users currently learning a new language for relocation purposes.

After the three interviews were recorded the analysis conducted by categorising the identified motivations, behaviours and frustrations into doing, thinking and feeling statements.

Main takeaway
Users believed that effective language learning should combine linguistic education with cultural immersion, interactive conversations, structured repetition techniques, and time-efficient methods to create a comprehensive and engaging experience.

4. Understanding the problem

From the insights and analysis of the interviews I created a proto persona, Orla, as an archetype of Lingo Local’s target user. User stories were then developed outlining the potential cases Orla might use Lingo Local. This further informed the problem and hypothesis statements.

The proto persona articulated the different goals, needs and behaviours with learning a new language that Lingo Local aims to address.

Main takeaway
There is an emphasis on the importance of language and cultural context as a way to connect with people in a new location.

Problem Statement
Orla needs a way to learn new vocabulary and about the culture of Portugal because she has just moved there and is interested in enriching her knowledge of her new home and making connections and friendships in her new community.

Hypothesis Statement
We believe that by creating an app that integrates new vocab in structured repetition with cultural facts/recommendations through the use of film, music and memes for Orla, we will help her to become a part of her new community.

5. Information Architecture

In order to start visualising the structure and presentation of information as well as the hierarchy of information for Lingo Local, I outlined two task analysis's and drew two task flows.

Create new deck of flashcards including various media

Entry point
Landing screen

Success criteria
New flashcard deck created including media forms of audio snippets, memes, pictures, video clips etc.

Navigate cultural topics and study one.

Entry point
Culture landing page

Success criteria
Studied new topic and completed comprehension questions.

6. Usability Tests

After I created a low fi prototype I tested the usability, functionality and learnability of Lingo Local with four participants.

Tasks assigned to participants:
1. Sign up and create an account with location.
2. Create a flashcard deck on a study topic.
3. Browse the available topics & select one to study.
4. Find the most recently studied deck & jump back in.

Main takeaway
The hierarchy of information required rearranging with a clear CTA on the home screen for creating a new deck added. Additional clarity with the navigation was highlighted as needed with a back button added to many screens and splitting the "front" and "back" of cards to two separate screens. These and more amendments were made it the further iterations of the design.

7. Revised designs

Following the usability tests the observations identified as priorities were amended and the insights informed the next iteration of the design, as seen below.

Create a deck
Study a deck

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